Birds of Missouri

Mourning Dove

The mourning dove is the common garden dove in most of its range. Mourning doves often visit
feeders, and their cooing song can be mistaken for an owl. This species has a short lifespan with
many adults only living for a couple of years or less.

Tufted Titmouse

The tufted titmouse is an easily recognized bird that lives in parks, gardens, and woodlands. It can
be found in small flocks, often vistings feeders, and needs dead tress or nest boxes to breed. This
species lines its nest with mammal hair.

European Starling

European starlings are rounded, blackish birds with long, sharp beaks and short tails. This
species forms large flocks called, "murmurations" that move in coordinated patterns.

Carolina Chickadee

The carlolina chickadee is a small grayish bird with a black cap and a throat. They're usually
found in small flocks and forage for insects and seeds as they chatter and move through
woodlands and park-like habitats. This specides uses its excellent memory to recall where it
keeps hidden bits of food.

Red-winged Blackbird

The red-winged blackbird is a common, social species easily seen in marshes and open habitats.
In the winter, it can form huge flocks that feed in farm lands. This species can make a daily
commute of 50 miles to and from roosting and feeding sites.

Bird Facts